Posts in the Oncology category

A Brief 101 About Working with Cancer in Massage Therapy Practice and Bodywork

A Brief 101 About Working with Cancer in Massage Therapy Practice and Bodywork

Cancer is a group of diseases that cause cells in the body to change and grow out of control. Most types of cancer cells form a lump or mass called a tumor, although not all tumors are cancer. A tumor that is cancerous is called “malignant”.  A tumor that is not cancerous is called “benign”.

Not all cancers form tumors.  Some cancers circulate through the body such as leukemia (a cancer of the blood) and lymphoma (a cancer of the lymphatic system including white blood cells).  

The US National Cancer Institute[i] provides specific directives for massage therapists working with cancer.  Their instructions include to avoid working on:

  • Open wounds, bruises, or areas with skin breakdown
  • Anything connected to or directly over the tumor site
  • Areas with a blood clot in a vein
  • Sensitive areas following radiation therapy

Working with Cancer: Precautions

It is recommended to avoid applying unnecessary pressure anywhere on the body of a leukemia or lymphoma client, because pressing anywhere on the body will be pressing directly on the cancer – which is the opposite of what the National Cancer Institute advisesIt is also recommended to avoid applying pressure anywhere there is a cancerous tumor or lesion.

Noncompressive bodywork or energy work may be okay for some circulatory cancers; however, it is always best to seek approval and/or direction for services from a medical physician regarding medical conditions.

[i] “Massage Therapy for Health Purposes.” National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 20 Nov. 2015, nccih.nih.gov/health/providers/digest/massage-science.


What is Cancer Metastases?

When cancer spreads, it is still named after the part of the body where it started. 

For example, if colon cancer spreads to the liver, it is still called colon cancer, not liver cancer.



As such, when a client exhibits a new pain or illness, this could be from the metastases or spreading of cancer, but only a doctor would be able to determine this.  An oncology client could experience any number of issues and further training in oncology should be sought to learn these and more to work on oncology clients and survivors.


What is Chemo Brain?

Is a condition of mental cloudiness that can occur with a person who has cancer.

Despite its many names, people with cancer do not require chemotherapy to experience these effects.  Oncology researchers are finding other factors that link mental cloudiness with cancer.[i]

People with “chemo brain” may also have problems with motor coordination, so offer extra assistance for sitting, standing, lying down, getting up or any other muscle coordination events required of the client.


Recommendations for Scheduling Appointments for Oncology Clients

  1. Book appointments later in the day so that the client has a chance to check their calendar or “remember” they have an appointment!
  2. Provide 2 reminder calls for the appointment. Call the day before and 2 hours before their appointment to remind them!

To learn more, please register for training at https://ceinstitute.com/

#massage #massagetherapy #massageprecautions #massagecontraindications

[i] “Glossary: Definitions & Phonetic Pronunciations.” American Cancer Society, 23 May 2018, www.cancer.org/cancer/glossary.html.



Draping Techniques: Draping for Abdominal Massage with a Hand Towel Breast Drape

The Following is a Massage Therapy Instructor Demonstration on How to Apply a Breast Chest Drape for Abdominal Work.

For professional massage training, please visit and register for class at: https://ceinstitute.com/






Mini Instructor Demonstration for Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer & More

Here is a Brief Video of Oncology Massage Therapy Therapy Mini Instructor Demonstration for Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer & More!

Please do not practice hands-on massage, services or healthcare unless you are a licensed practitioner. For professional oncology massage and bodywork continuing education training, please visit and register for class at: https://ceinstitute.com/collections/oncology





Oncology Massage & Bodywork Mini Vocabulary Lesson

Oncology Massage & Bodywork Mini Vocabulary Lesson

Some oncology clients worry that having a massage when you have cancer may make the cancer cells travel to other parts of the body. But no research has proved this to be true. Instead, research has shown that cancer does not spread through increased circulation through a brisk walk or hot shower, therefore, cancer would not spread through similar increased circulation from a circulatory massage.

That does not mean that there are not special precautions and contraindications when providing massage therapy to clients who have had cancer, or are currently fighting cancer or are in terminal hospice. Practitioners should avoid massaging any area that is receiving active radiation treatments.  Do not massage areas where the skin is broken, bleeding or bruised.

Practitioners should avoid general massage therapy to your arms or legs if they are swollen because of lymphedema. Lymphedema is a build-up of fluid due to the lymphatic system not draining properly. This might be a result of surgery to remove the lymph nodes, or damage to the lymph nodes or lymphatic vessels from radiotherapy.  There is a specific type of massage used for lymphedema called Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD).

Complete oncology training should be completed prior to practicing massage on those who have cancer to review these precautions, contraindications and more.  You can find oncology bodywork and massage training at: https://ceinstitute.com/collections/oncology

In this video, we'll review some oncology terms that might be helpful when working with people who have cancer: 

#bodywork #oncologymassage #oncology #cancer #oncologytreatments #massage #massagetherapist #lmt #massagetherapy #oncologybodywork #bodywork #bodyworker #massageissafe #safetyfirst 


Oncology Massage Hands-on Instructor Demonstration: Pectoral Wave for Breast & Lung Cancer Clients

Oncology Massage Hands-on Instructor Demonstration: Pectoral Wave for Breast & Lung Cancer Clients

Cancer Research UK (CRUK) is the world’s largest independent cancer research charity.  Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Reports the following:

How Massage Works[i]:

Gentle forms of massage such as aromatherapy affect your nerve endings. This could release chemicals called endorphins which can reduce pain.  Stronger methods, such as Swedish massage, aim to stimulate your blood circulation and lymphatic system, relax muscles and ease knotted tissues that can cause pain and stiffness.  Some types of massage such as shiatsu may also gently stretch parts of your body to release stiffness.

Why people use massage with cancer:

One of the main reasons people with cancer use massage is because it helps them feel good. It is a way they feel they can help themselves.  Generally, massage therapy can help lift your mood, improve your sleep and enhance your well-being. There is some evidence to help support these benefits.

Massage for people with cancer is promoted as a natural way to help people relax and cope with:

  • stress
  • anxiety
  • headaches
  • pain

Research into massage and cancer:

There is no scientific evidence that massage can treat cancer. But it is commonly used to help people feel better, and to reduce some cancer symptoms and treatment side effects.

In 2011, a UK review looked specifically at trials using massage for women with breast cancer. There were 6 trials and the reviewers said that massage seemed useful as a supportive therapyMassage seemed to help with symptoms of depression, pain and tiredness. 

Specialty oncology training should be completed prior to practicing massage on anyone who has cancer, to review precautions, contraindications and more.  You can find oncology bodywork and massage training at our school here at: https://ceinstitute.com/collections/oncology

#bodywork #oncologymassage #oncology #cancer #chestmassage #breastcancer #lungcancer #massage #massagetherapist #lmt #massagetherapy #oncologybodywork #bodywork #bodyworker #massageissafe  

[i] “General Cancer Information.” Massage Therapy | Cancer in General | Cancer Research UK, 12 Jan. 2015, about-cancer.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-in-general/treatment/complementary-alternative-therapies/individual-therapies/massage?_ga=2.61722852.999167709.1558910339-1995383506.1558910339.



Read How Consistent Opening Practices Can Help Your Biz - As Seen at Massage Magazine!

Read How Consistent Opening Practices Can Help Your Biz - As Seen at Massage Magazine!

Establishing consistent opening rituals could prove to be beneficial, especially in group practice. Spending one minute or more with anything that feels familiar at the start of any session could feel comforting when an old client quickly reconnects with familiar touch.  Many clients could instantly relax when they recognize what they are feeling and receiving.

In this article, we focused mostly on opening rituals, and added in a few common closing rituals as well. We provided sample and common rituals for the following massage therapy and soft tissue bodywork applications: 

  • Abhyanga & Ayurvedic Massage
  • Aromatherapy Massage
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Chair Massage
  • Cupping Massage
  • Deep Tissue Massage
  • Geriatric Massage
  • Hot Stone Massage
  • Ice Massage
  • Lomi Lomi Massage
  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage
  • Myofascial Release
  • Neuromuscular Therapy
  • Oncology Massage 
  • Post-Surgical Bodywork
  • Prenatal Massage
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki
  • Sports Event Massage
  • Swedish Massage
  • Thai Massage
  • Trigger Point Therapy

Here is a list of common closing rituals that can be commonly practiced amongst all modalities: 

  • Thank the client for their time.
  • Express wishful thoughts silently or aloud for the client.
  • Apply a hold with static placement of their hands on the client’s body.
  • Ask the client to take some deep breaths.
  • Perform body brushing techniques.
  • Use a towel to remove massage medium from the client’s skin.
  • Assist a client off the treatment table with select services or customers.
  • Turn up any dim lighting so the client has greater visibility and acclimation back to reality.

Of course, no one has to follow these lists and practitioners can make up their own opening and closing practices as well!  What's most important is allowing your client to feel comfortable and instantly relax in your work area.

To learn more, please register for quality affordable professional training at: https://ceinstitute.com/

You can read this article in full at Massage Magazine by clicking HERE.

 #Abhyanga #Ayurvedic Massage #AromatherapyMassage #CraniosacralTherapy #ChairMassage #CuppingMassage #DeepTissueMassage #GeriatricMassage #HotStoneMassage #IceMassage #ManualLymphaticDrainage #MyofascialRelease #NeuromuscularTherapy #OncologyMassage #Post-SurgicalBodywork #PrenatalMassage #Reflexology #Reiki #SportsMassage #SwedishMassage #ThaiMassage #TriggerPointTherapy #lomilomi


Our Evidence Based Massage Practices Article has been Published at Massage Magazine!

Our Evidence Based Massage Practices Article has been Published at Massage Magazine!

Evidence-based massage practice applies a hands-on researched protocol to a client. The objective is to simulate hands-on applications with methods and protocols found to be beneficial in research or provide therapeutic outcomes, similar to what was achieved in the research study.

Sometimes a researched protocol which show what is not appropriate in massage therapy or bodywork practice.  Studies often exclude subjects with various disqualifications which create various parameters for the student.  Sometimes these exclusions are born from massage contraindications which are important to follow.  from participating due to various constraints or contraindications. This is why the entire study must be read and considered prior to real-time application or practice for evidence-based massage therapy practice.

To learn more, please register for quality, affordable, professional training at: https://ceinstitute.com/

To view our evidence-based massage article in full, published @MassageMag, please click HERE!

#swedishmassage #evidencebased #myofascialrelease #triggerpoint #hotstone #hotstonemassage #aromatherapy #aromatherapymasage #sportsmassage #prenatalmassage #oncologymassage #chairmassage #cuppingmassage #avyurvedicmassage #generalmassage #massagetherapy #lmt #mt #massage #lomiloimmassage #mld #manuallymphaticdrainage #lymphaticdrainage #medicalmassage #reflexology 




Massage Magazine has Published an Article About Our Sweet Session™

Massage Magazine has Published an Article About Our Sweet Session™

Sweet Sessions™ are great bodywork appointments that might be an option for clients who are contraindicated for regular massage, such as those who have significant cardiovascular disease, a lack of skin integrity, prenatal eclampsia, diabetic neuropathy or infectious and contagious disease. Sweet Sessions are a great option to provide an alternative type of bodywork when circulatory massage in no longer indicated.

It is difficult to deny service to a client who is ill or not feeling well, perhaps causing their own contraindication.  Providing Sweet Sessions may help massage therapists preserve rather cancel some of their appointments for their most vulnerable clients.

You can read our article about Sweet Sessions™ in full @MassageMag by clicking HERE!

To learn more about a Sweet Session™, please register for training at https://ceinstitute.com/

#massage #massagetherapy #massageprecautions #massagecontraindications



 #massagecontraindication #sweetsession #prenatalmassage #geriatricmassage #geriatric #geriatricbodywork #oncologymassage #oncologybodywork #hivbodywork #aidsbodywork



Instructor Demonstration Setting up a Massage Table in an Inclined Semi-recumbent Position

 by Selena Belisle, Founder/Instructor, CE Institute LLC

There are many clients that cannot lie flat and supinated on a massage table.  Pregnant women a few weeks past their first trimester should not lie flat and supine. 

Side-lying and semi recumbent table positions are acceptable for prenatal massage, as well as pronated positions with appropriate professional pregnancy cushions and bolsters.

Sometimes oncology patients cannot lie flat and supine, especially those suffering with lung cancer, and anyone struggling to breathe.  Providing semi-recumbent massage positioning will make their session more tolerable, if not enjoyable.

Abdominal post-surgical clients with a horizontal surgical scar anywhere between the sternum to the pubis, and were on a ventilator during healing may not be able to lie flat in supinated position.  That is because their surgical scar may be shortened, and cannot be stretched to accommodate lying flat.  Many ventilator patients will be placed in a semi-recumbent position to avoid ventilator associated pneumonia, so they will need to continue lying in a semi-recumbent position until the scar stretches to allow them to lie fully flat and supine.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic heart failure, asthmatics and many more may all not be able to lie in supine position - the list is endless.

To accommodate all of these clients who cannot lie flat and supinated, here's a short instructor video demonstration of how to create a semi-recumbent inclined supine table position for massage therapists:

We have almost all of your professional massage therapy training needs available at CE Institute LLC. For professional prenatal massage training, please visit and register at:  https://ceinstitute.com/collections/prenatal

#prenatalmassage #pregnancy #prenatal #massage #massagetherapy #massagetherapist #bodywork #bodyworker #semirecumbent #prenatalpositioning



Massage is a Non-pharmcological Pain Management Strategy, According to the U.S. Joint Commission

Massage is a Non-pharmcological Pain Management Strategy, According to the U.S. Joint Commission

Massage therapy is a wonderful nonpharmacological modality to help manage pain.  There is growing recognition of this fact, including at The U.S. Joint Commission which is responsible for certifying and accrediting over 22,000 healthcare ORGANIZATIONS and PROGRAMS. 

On May 5, 2017, they issued the Joint Commission’s Pain Standards: Origins and Evolution which you can view by clicking HERE.

In The Joint Commission report's report, they stated that both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic strategies have a role in the management of pain. This was their list of examples of nonpharmacologic pain management strategies: "physical modalities (for example, acupuncture therapy, chiropractic therapy, osteopathic manipulative treatment, massage therapy, and physical therapy), relaxation therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy; Pharmacologic strategies: nonopioid, opioid, and adjuvant analgesics.”

This is just another affirmation that massage therapy is a non pharmacological apporach for pain management.

To learn more about massage modalities, please visit and register for training with us at:  https://ceinstitute.com/  Please keep in mind that our courses are primarily for licensed healthcare professionals, however lay people are also welcome to attend most courses in an observer capacity to learn more about massage therapy and the many modalities practied by massage therapists.

#bodyworker #cupping #cuppingmassage #orthopediccupping #massage #massagetherapy #massagetherapist #LMT #bodywork #painrelief #MFR #myofascialrelease #neuromusculartherapy #painmanagement #pain #nonpharmacological #prenatalmassage #hotstonemassagetherapy #aromatherapymassage #ayurvedicmassage #shirodhara #oncologymassage #oncology #geriatricmassage #triggerpointtherapy #tp #reflexology #sportsmassage