Massage is a Non-pharmcological Pain Management Strategy, According to the U.S. Joint Commission

Massage is a Non-pharmcological Pain Management Strategy, According to the U.S. Joint Commission

Massage therapy is a wonderful nonpharmacological modality to help manage pain.  There is growing recognition of this fact, including at The U.S. Joint Commission which is responsible for certifying and accrediting over 22,000 healthcare ORGANIZATIONS and PROGRAMS. 

On May 5, 2017, they issued the Joint Commission’s Pain Standards: Origins and Evolution which you can view by clicking HERE.

In The Joint Commission report's report, they stated that both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic strategies have a role in the management of pain. This was their list of examples of nonpharmacologic pain management strategies: "physical modalities (for example, acupuncture therapy, chiropractic therapy, osteopathic manipulative treatment, massage therapy, and physical therapy), relaxation therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy; Pharmacologic strategies: nonopioid, opioid, and adjuvant analgesics.”

This is just another affirmation that massage therapy is a non pharmacological apporach for pain management.

To learn more about massage modalities, please visit and register for training with us at:  Please keep in mind that our courses are primarily for licensed healthcare professionals, however lay people are also welcome to attend most courses in an observer capacity to learn more about massage therapy and the many modalities practied by massage therapists.

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