Instructor Demonstration Setting up a Massage Table in an Inclined Semi-recumbent Position

 by Selena Belisle, Founder/Instructor, CE Institute LLC

There are many clients that cannot lie flat and supinated on a massage table.  Pregnant women a few weeks past their first trimester should not lie flat and supine. 

Side-lying and semi recumbent table positions are acceptable for prenatal massage, as well as pronated positions with appropriate professional pregnancy cushions and bolsters.

Sometimes oncology patients cannot lie flat and supine, especially those suffering with lung cancer, and anyone struggling to breathe.  Providing semi-recumbent massage positioning will make their session more tolerable, if not enjoyable.

Abdominal post-surgical clients with a horizontal surgical scar anywhere between the sternum to the pubis, and were on a ventilator during healing may not be able to lie flat in supinated position.  That is because their surgical scar may be shortened, and cannot be stretched to accommodate lying flat.  Many ventilator patients will be placed in a semi-recumbent position to avoid ventilator associated pneumonia, so they will need to continue lying in a semi-recumbent position until the scar stretches to allow them to lie fully flat and supine.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic heart failure, asthmatics and many more may all not be able to lie in supine position - the list is endless.

To accommodate all of these clients who cannot lie flat and supinated, here's a short instructor video demonstration of how to create a semi-recumbent inclined supine table position for massage therapists:

We have almost all of your professional massage therapy training needs available at CE Institute LLC. For professional prenatal massage training, please visit and register at:

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