Would you like to achieve more pressure in your massage and bodywork applications without much physical effort? Perhaps you would like to lean a little longer into a massage stretch? The choice is yours. And when you make that choice to use your elbows, you should be choosing whether you will use a dull or pointy elbow.
A pointy elbow is usually applied with your elbow flexed to around 150 degrees, so that your knuckles are facing back towards your head. When you flex your elbow to 150 degrees, you will create a sharp point with your elbow’s olecranon process. We call this a pointy elbow, and sometimes we call it sharpening your tool, because you can use your pointy elbow for massage application. Pointy elbows are also commonly applied in trigger point therapy.
A dull elbow is usually applied with the elbow flexed at around a 90-degree angle. Dull elbows are popular in deeper myofascial techniques. They are also good for general muscle tension relief for for working larger bodily areas, such as the glutes or thoracolumbar fascia, without causing the discomfort a pointy elbow might achieve because it is dull.
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quatisha brown - January 31, 2025