Orthopedic cupping massage stretches and releases soft tissue adhesions and restrictions, which can create a human domino effect of better tissue metabolism and greater range of motion that can lead to better athletic performance and other health-related benefits. This includes superficial and myofascial release as well.
In this hands-on instructor demonstration of orthopedic cupping massage on the upper trapezius, you will view how a curved cup is used from the popular Kangzhu cupping sets. Curved cups allow for greater and longer suction on curved areas of the body, and are a tremendous asset and tool when performing moving cupping massage maneuvers and techniques.
To learn more, please register for training at: https://ceinstitute.com/collections/eastern
Curved cups are FABULOUS when working on curvy areas of the body such as forearms extensors, shin splint areas, upper trapezius and more, as shown here in the demonstrational video:
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quatisha brown - January 31, 2025