Nail Salon and Cosmetology Establishment Business Sanitation Practices

Nail Salon and Cosmetology Establishment Business Sanitation Practices

It is important to keep your nail salone and cosmetology establishment clean when providing manicure and pedicure services to the public. Bacteria, fungi, and viruses can be transferred between customers through dirty nail implements and other supplies and equipment.  Follow some of these tips for shop cleanliness:

  • Use a new towel for each customer.
  • Wash your hands and your customer’s hands and/or feet before each service.
  • Perform services only on healthy nails and intact skin. Refuse service to clients that show any signs of infection, unhealthy appearing conditions, or broken/irritated skin.
  • Clean any residue from all reusable supplies and equipment after each use and before disinfection.
  • Disinfect all reusable supplies and equipment with an appropriate disinfectant after each customer.
  • It is best to use an EPA-registered, hospital disinfectant labeled as viricidal, bactericidal, and fungicidal or a disinfectant as prescribed by your state cosmetology board. Follow usage instructions exactly. You may also choose to sterilize these disinfected items in an autoclave, if desired, or if required by your state’s regulations.
  • Do not put clients’ feet into water that contains an EPA-registered disinfectant and avoid skin contact with the disinfectant.
  • Use disposable implements on only one customer.
  • If gloves are worn, replace them after each customer.
  • Do not use razor-type shavers to remove calluses. These devices can cause injuries requiring medical attention. Most states have licensing laws for nail salon workers and manicurists that do not allow the use of cutting tools to remove living or callused skin.
  • Using nail implements owned by customers is not recommended. Problems can arise because clients may not properly clean and disinfect the implements. All implements must be properly cleaned and disinfected by the salon worker before use on a client.

When working in a nail salon or cosmetology establishment, be sure to protect yourself and others.  To learn more, please register for training with us at:

#cosmetology #nailtechnician #manicure #pedicure #safety #safetyfirst #salon #spa #business #sanitation #disinfection #cleaning #mani #pedi 



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