Massage Therapists: The client is not always right!

Massage Therapists: The client is not always right!

by Sandy Fritz

My family owns a massage therapy franchise as well as a massage therapy school. I am very protective of the massage therapists that work for us. This includes injury prevention.

Had a client last week insist on a 90 min. session with the massage therapist only using hands and thumbs. We teach that excessive use of the hands is to be avoided and the thumbs should rarely be used.

I called the client and told them that their request has the potential to harm the massage therapist and they said that that is what they want as well as deep pressure so I told them we would not book them for a session. TADA!

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Sandy Fritz a well renowned massage therapist with more than 35 years of experience. She dedicates her time to writing massage texts for Mosby Publishing (Elsevier), educating, consulting, teaching, and providing massage to a mixed clientele. You can view or purchase Sandy's textbooks at:

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the views or opinions of CE Institute LLC.

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