Manual Lymphatic Drainage Extremity Bolstering for Arms & Legs: MLD INSTRUCTOR DEMONSTRATION

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Extremity Bolstering for Arms & Legs: MLD INSTRUCTOR DEMONSTRATION

Greater research studies are showing the efficacy of bolstering clients with swelling, particularly during the practice of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD).

Manual lymphatic drainage utilizes light-pressure manual manipulation of the skin and underlying tissues to promote the movement of lymphatic fluid, usually from one area to another towards lymphatic node regions. MLD is not to be confused with a traditional massage, especially given the pressure and work directions can be quite different in MLD. 

To learn more, specifically in how to apply manual lymphatic drainage, please register for one of our MLD classes at:  Home study classes are immediately available 24/7, until your course access expires.

In this training video, we will show you the order in which to bolster extremities (both arms and legs) during MLD practice: 

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