The practice of Hawaiian medicine was provided through story telling from one generation to the next. As an isolated population, the Hawaiian people did not have text books and note charting for a great period of time. Instead, they used story telling, song and dance to share information and keep an educated existence.
A Lomi Goal is to Bring Out ALOHA Principles. Aloha principles are Feelings of: Peace, Tranquility, Love, Humility, Kindness, Gratitude, Compassion, etc. The word Aloha has many translations and meanings in the Hawaiian language.
In tradition with Hawaiian practice, we have developed an Alohatherapy Lomi Lomi Facial Massage that tells a story of a life in Hawaii, with manual strokes on the face. Part of lomilomi massage is to to change your speed to become one with nature and the universe. One way you achieve this is by allowing your lomi lomi massage strokes to take on new meanings and purpose, as demonstrated here in this Alohatherapy facial training video:
For professional lomilomi massage training, please visit and register for class at:
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quatisha brown - January 31, 2025