Lomi Lomi Ancient Temple Massage Therapy with Hands Only Instructor Demonstration: lomilomi

Lomi Lomi Ancient Temple Massage Therapy with Hands Only Instructor Demonstration: lomilomi

Traditional Hawaiian Lomi Massage does not address western diagnosis or disease.  Much like Chinese medicine, lomi massage treats the body as one soul or unit.

Lomi Lomi Massage is an Energy Bodywork that uses touch communication.  Our goal is simple: it’s to shift our client’s energy via touch communication.

That goal includes taking any negativity in the body, and using touch communication to change it to positivity.

To learn more, please register for training at: https://ceinstitute.com/collections/lomi-lomi

Here is our CE Institute LLC instructor demonstrating Ancient Temple Style Lomi Lomi strokes, using touch communication to create a positive within the client's body: 

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