Hands-on Instructor Demonstration: Boney Landmarks to Avoid in Corporate Onsite Chair Massage

Hands-on Instructor Demonstration: Boney Landmarks to Avoid in Corporate Onsite Chair Massage

Massage clients in a chair is a little different than providing service on a massage therapy table.  A chair allows a practitioner to provide pressure in different directions than normally accessible on a table.  The boney landmarks of the client's posterior body also require appropriate navigation when adjusting your hands-on skills for this new seated client position as well.

To learn more, please register for training at: https://ceinstitute.com/

In this chair massage therapy instructor demonstration, we will provide a visual review of the different landmarks one should avoid while performing chair massage on the posterior body: 

#bodywork #bodyworker #massage #massagetherapist #mt #LMT #chairmassage #onsitemassage #corporatemassage #painrelief  #backmassage #massagetherapy #serviceprecautions #contraindications #massagecontraindications


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