Using Gloves and Latex Sensitivities for Massage Therapists, Estheticians, Nail Technicians, Manicurists, Cosmetologists plus Salon and Spa Staff

Using Gloves and Latex Sensitivities for Massage Therapists, Estheticians, Nail Technicians, Manicurists, Cosmetologists plus Salon and Spa Staff

Here is some information from the EPA about Latex Glove Use and Skin Sensitivity

The CDC reports:  "Studies indicate that 8% to 12% of health-care workers regularly exposed to latex are sensitized, compared with 1 percent to 6 percent of the general population..." (

Sensitization or hypersensitivity reactions usually occur as a result of repeated or prolonged contact with a chemical substance that interacts with the body’s immune system. In some cases, an individual may develop a reaction only after encountering a material repeatedly or after continuous prolonged contact. Red or itchy skin, water blisters, and areas that throb or feel warm are signs of possible sensitization of the skin.

FOR EXAMPLE: After wearing latex gloves daily for several weeks or months, a previously unaffected person may develop a persistent rash on their hands and wrists. This sensitization may be caused by one of several components of the gloves acting as an allergen (allergy-causing substance).

If this occurs, gloves made from other materials, such as nitrile, may be used.

If you chose to wear gloves, it is recommended to use vinyl or nitril gloves given the overwhelming latex sensitivities that have developed over the years.  And if you notice that you have any of the signs or symptoms above with latex, immediately stop wearing or using latex products and adapt to using something that will not irritate your skin (or others). 

To learn more, please register for training with us at:

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