Florida Cosmetology License Elimination: Body Wrappers, Hair Wrappers & Braiders

Florida Cosmetology License Elimination: Body Wrappers, Hair Wrappers & Braiders

Author: Selena Belisle, Owner/Instructor, CE Institute LLC, Miami FL

Hair Braiding, Hair Wrapping, and Body Wrapping Practitioners

On June 30, 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis signed “The Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act” (HB 1193) which eliminates unnecessary regulations and reduces barriers to entry for certain professions. Effective July 1, 2020, the bill removes all licensure requirements for hair braiding, hair wrapping, and body wrapping individuals. Therefore, persons will no longer be required to submit an application for licensure in any of these professions or as an education provider for these professions.

We do not have any further information beyond what we have reposted above.  The above language is copied from the DBPR Hot Topics Website page: http://www.myfloridalicense.com/DBPR/cosmetology/hot-topics/

Important disclaimer:  we do not advise practitioners about their individual licenses.  If you have any questions about your cosmetology license, you should call the Florida Board of Cosmetology/DBPR at: ‪(850) 487-1395‬.  Please confirm all of your licensing needs DIRECT - with the Florida Board of Cosmetology/DBPR.  Thank you

Author Selena Belisle is the Founder of CE Institute LLC in Miami FL. She is a retired professional athlete and has been practicing massage therapy for over 30 years. Selena is an approved CE Provider with NCBTMB & the Florida Board of Massage. She now teaches full time for the Complementary and Alternative Health Care Industries. You can learn more about Selena’s training and CE classes at www.CeInstitute.com

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