4 Vedic Principles to Achieve in Life - by Desiree Collazo

4 Vedic Principles to Achieve in Life - by Desiree Collazo

By Desiree Collazo, Ayurvedic Therapies Program Director at CE Institute LLC, Miami FL


Ayurveda is a 5,000+ year old natural medicinal system born in India. In the ayurvedic system, each individual should attain four primary objectives of human life, which are called Purusartha.  The four principles of life in Vedic Science are:

  1. Dharma: code of conduct, doing the right things, which are good for the well-being of the individual as well as for society. Respecting each stage of life.
  2. Artha: to acquire wealth for the means of livelihood.
  3. Kama: satisfaction of worldly desires, passion, enjoyment of life, the experience of the sensory organs, etc.
  4. Moksha: attainment of enlightenment, liberation or Self Realization.

Health is the foundation (Mulam) to achieve the four principles of life (Ayus). We teach more about achieve these four principles plus overall ayurvedic health and lifestyle in our Ayurvedic Bodywork Classes.  Please click HERE to learn more about about the available Ayurvedic Classes taught by Desi at CE Institute LLC, Miami FL.


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  • Chidi Igwe - October 06, 2024

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  • Rosa María - August 25, 2024

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