Self-paced Online Home Study 2 CE Real Life Ethics for Massage Practice

CE Institute


PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE THIS NONREFUNDABLE, TIME-SENSITIVE COURSE UNLESS YOU ARE READY TO COMPLETE IT WITHIN 3-DAYS OF PURCHASE.  This course must be completed within 72 hours of purchase, before it expires and your account is subsequently deactivated. Course access time starts from the minute of purchase.  Please do not wait until the last couple of days to start or complete training, because no training extensions are available for any reason, including tech issues. 

It is recommended to take this computer based training on an updated desktop computer or laptop. This training is provided via prerecorded video, with printed handouts that can be downloaded, as well as quiz(es) plus a course survey, to meet board requirements to issue CE credit.  You can learn more about taking our self-paced home study training by watching this quick start video:

Our automated systems will send a course access link to your registered email address after purchase. You can also login to your paid training at with your registered email address, and then use the "Forgot Password" link if you did not set up a password, or cannot remember it. 

This course is approved by NCBTMB, FL, SC, GA & TN boards of massage and all states that accept NCBTMB hours. If you are taking this for CE credit and unsure if this course meets your CE requirements, please check with your own board to ensure you will receive the credit you need PRIOR TO registering or paying.  


This prerecorded video course reveals real-life ethical scenarios that some therapists may contemplate at work or in massage practice.  CE Institute LLC Founder & Instructor Selena Belisle will review in specifics:

  1. A review of NCBTMB's Code of Ethics
  2. Advertising massage services
  3. A successful class-action lawsuit against a massage chain
  4. Setting time-lengths for massage and bodywork appointments with ethical considerations
  5. The odd situation if you or a colleague wishes to date a client from work

Your instructor has over three decades of professional real-life massage experiences to share in this refreshing 2 CE hour course, that goes above and beyond normal ethics training. In this course, you will get to learn about several ethical scenarios that have happened in real-time massage practices, and both the positive and negative results, due to various ethical choices and decisions.

Real Life Ethics for Massage Practice Self-paced Online Home Study CE Broker Course Tracking #: 20-1258671


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