Lomilomi massage is a healing journey that originates from Hawaii, and a wonderful modality to practice in today’s stressful world.
This technique’s long, continuous, toes-to-nose strokes can release tension and create an ethereal flow of restorative energy.
As schoolchildren, we learn that energy can neither be created nor destroyed — it can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. As such, we use skillful Lomilomi principles and techniques to help transform a client’s energy into a natural positive place. We strive to take a client’s negative energy and help shift it toward a positive through Lomilomi touch communication.
To learn more, please register for quality, affordable, professional training at: https://ceinstitute.com/
As seen in Massage Magazine, here is an article about Lomi Lomi Massage by CE Institute LLC Founder & Instructor: Selena Belislie:
quatisha brown - February 03, 2025