Sciatic Nerve & Piriformis Syndrome:
- Starts in the lower back, typically at L3
- At each level of the lower spine a nerve root exits from the inside of the spinal canal, and each of these roots then come together to form the large sciatic nerve
- The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back, through the buttock, and down the back of each leg
- The sciatic nerve is the same size as your thumb
- Researchers estimate sciatica will affect up to 43% of the population at some point of life
Sciatica is also known as Lumbar Radiculopathy
6 Common Causes of Sciatica
- Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
- Herniated Lumbar Disc
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Isthmic Spondylolisthesis
- Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
- Piriformis Syndrome
Occurs when the piriformis muscle contracts/spasms and irritates/compresses the sciatic.
Symptoms include low back tenderness and pain, accompanied by sciatica-like pain, numbness and weakness that runs down the back of the leg, calf and foot.
In many people, the sciatic nerve pierces the piriformis muscle, splits the piriformis muscle, or both, predisposing these individuals to piriformis syndrome in up to 22% of the population. Recommends Deep Massage for Piriformis Syndrome*
“Manual release by a PT or other qualified specialist is thought to enhance healing by increasing blood flow to the area and decreasing muscle spasm.”
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