The Incredible Health Benefits of Olive Oil added to Geriatric Bodywork to Sports Massage

The Incredible Health Benefits of Olive Oil added to Geriatric Bodywork to Sports Massage

According to multiple sources, olive oil is considered to have anti-inflammatory effects on human soft tissues.  This makes it a great massage medium candidate for working with a great variety of clients, from athletes to geriatrics, all of whom may be suffering from inflammation.  

Olive oil is also purported to help with heart issues and even help with the prevention of gallstones.  In many senses, it truly is a wonderful oil, especially given the fact that it can be used as a food grade substance.  

The skin is the largest organ of the body and it does perform absorption, therefore, we should never apply anything to human skin that we cannot orally consume to prevent adding toxins to our bodies.

While providing a massage medium such as olive oil can deliver many health benefits for your massage client, it could also feel uncomfortable or greasy, especially if the client does not shower after their bodywork treatment with olive oil.  Practitioners may want to wipe any excess olive oil with a dry or wet towel from the client's skin prior to the client's table dismount or getting dressed, to prevent the client from staining their clothes.

Always remove all massage mediums including oil, creams, lotions or gels from a client's feet prior to allowing the client to stand.  This can help ensure that the client will not slip in their shoes or on the floor when their feet are less slippery.  Using a nice hot towel is a wonderful method to remove a massage medium, plus deliver the thermal therapy benefits from the heat itself to a client's feet.

Whenever possible, it is best to keep oils in “tinted” amber or cobalt glass bottles. This also helps preserve an oil's shelf life when it is protected from light.

When using oils, they should always be stored in a cool dry dark place at room temperature, anywhere between 50 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit to help prolong the oil's shelf life and slow the process of an oil becoming rancid.

CE Institute LLC reviews host oils and essential oils in our aromatherapy courses.  Come learn more with us at:

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