Evidence-based massage therapy and bodywork practice should be first and foremost for licensed therapists and bodyworkers. It's important to validate our work through research and science to show efficacy.
For students who do not want to spend 12-hours reviewing an evidence-based massage therapy research course, we have a new 6 CE hour option with our 6 CE Evidence-Based Massage Therapy with Hands-on Skills: https://ceinstitute.com/collections/webinars/products/6-ce-evidence-based-massage
This training consists of the first 6-hours of our 12 CE Hour Advanced Evidence-Based Massage Therapy & Bodywork with Hands-on Skills Course. Please click HERE if you would like to register for the 12-hour training that includes this 6-hour course.
In this new 6 CE course, students will review:
- DOI or digital object identifier definition and use
- The difference between case studies, comparative research, clinical trials and reviews
- The difference between blind and double blind research studies
- The difference between high and low quality research studies
- Retrograde application
- Pain relief achieved through massage therapy application
- Timing and frequency of massage therapy appointments and applications
- Various massage and bodywork research papers and studies
For more information about this training, please clink the link above to view or register! Thanks so much and we hope you enjoy the training!
#EvidenceBased #bodyworker #cupping #cuppingmassage #orthopediccupping #massage #massagetherapy #massagetherapist #LMT #bodywork #painrelief #MFR #myofascialrelease #neuromusculartherapy #prenatalmassage #hotstonemassage #aromatherapymassage #oncologymassage #oncology #geriatricmassage #triggerpointtherapy #tp #reflexology #sportsmassage
quatisha brown - February 03, 2025