by Selena Belisle, Founder/Instructor, CE Institute LLC
With today's sanitation supply shortages due to COVID-19, finding what you need may be difficult. When working onsite chair massage corporate events, marathons or other sporting events and more, it's important that therapists are not spraying and inhaling chemical sanitation supplies multiple times per hour.
We recommend massage therapists use wet wipes for sanitation to avoid inhaling chemical sanitizers. But, wet wipes can often be expensive if they're available for purchase.
We recommend visiting a place like Dollar Tree, and purchasing a small roll of paper towels. Their paper towel rolls for $1.25 usually has about 80 towels. Then purchase any liquid disinfectant you chose, plus some gallon size ziplock bags. Clorox and Lysol disinfectants are also available at Dollar Tree for $1.25 each, so creating your own wet wipes is achievable and extremely economical when shopping at dollar stores for required materials.
All you need to do is remove the brown cardboard roll inside the paper towel holder, then pour the sanitation liquid over the paper towels in the ziplock bag to create your own wet wipes.
To learn more, please register for quality, affordable, professional training at:
For professional aromatherapy training, please visit and register for class at:
Here's a Free Instructor Video Demonstration of How to Make Your Own Wet Wipes for Sporting Events, Corporate Onsite Chair Massage and More!
Please visit us for all of your professional massage therapy training needs at:
#wetwipes #sanitation #cleaning #clean #lmt #massage #massagetherapist #bodywork #bodyworker #massagetherapy
quatisha brown - January 31, 2025