by Selena Belisle, Founder/Instructor, CE Institute LLC
Massage therapists can make their own scrubs easily and economically. You will need three simple ingredients for a homemade scrub that can be used professionally or personally.
Simple white granulated sugar is dissolvable with water and has great physical exfoliation properties. Because sugar can be dissolved with water, a sugar scrub can be used in a dry or wet treatment room.
LMTs can also use fine table salt instead of sugar, or a mix of sugar and salt for a less sticky scrub. Using sugar alone may feel a little sticky to the client when the scrub is not immediately rinsed from the body. Using salt may also have a drying or dehydrating feel to skin, so using a combination of sugar and salt will give both water dissolvable qualities and allow for a client to not feel so sticky or dehydrated with the materials.
Your second ingredient would be your host oil. In this video instructor demonstration, I use a simple coconut cooking oil which is heated above 76-degrees fahrenheit so that it is in liquid form, and can be easily mixed and poured into the scrub.
My third ingredient for self-made scrub, is I will use some essential oils, to provide aroma and therapeutic effects for individual client needs.
Here is a video instructor demonstration of how to make a scrub with these three easy ingredients, which can be used for body, back, hands, feet or whatever you wish:
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quatisha brown - January 31, 2025