Lomi Lomi Scalp Massage Hands-on Instructor Demonstration: Lomilomi in Pronated Position

Lomi Lomi Scalp Massage Hands-on Instructor Demonstration: Lomilomi in Pronated Position

We feel lomi lomi massage is a hands-on cultural healing art. Lomi is NOT a highly technical, anatomical or scientific practice.  Here's an example of a healing art:

Anyone can play (or bang) keys on a piano.  The Lomi Lomi massage that we teach as this school is similar to making music.  We're going to bring Hawaiian principles to a Hawaiian style massage, to perform and create beautiful peaceful healing session.  There is no digging or physical pain applied to this ethereal therapy.

To learn more, please register for training at: https://ceinstitute.com/collections/lomi-lomi

Here's a hands-on instructor demonstration of how we practice lomi massage at CE Institute LLC: 

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