Do you work in clockwise or counterclockwise in professional abdominal, tummy or belly massage?

Do you work in clockwise or counterclockwise in professional abdominal, tummy or belly massage?

The answer is, you massage in clockwise direction on a client's abdomen, in most cases. Licensed massage therapists should always perform a health intake process with each individual client to ensure that their unique needs are met.  An example of when you might massage in counterclockwise direction on the abdomen might be when you have a client diagnosed with situs inversus.

A tummy massage therapy routine example could consist of standing on the left hand side of the table next to the client's tummy.  The massage would start at the left side of the abdomen at the ascending colon, then massage from left to right across the transcending colon, then massage inferiorly on the right lateral side of the navel or tummy, working downwards on the descending colon.  This is different from manual lymphatic drainage or some other bodywork hands-on skills and techniques.

Please register for CE training with us to learn how to properly apply professional therapeutic massage techniques. To learn more, you can register for training at

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  • Mindy - September 15, 2024

    It is your clients right side while they are laying on their back. Up their right side, across just below the rib cage and down their left side.

  • Fe - June 09, 2023

    The question is: from left to right on the person that is doing the massage as shown in the picture or from the perspective of.the person that is.receiving it?

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