COVID-19 is AEROSOLIZED - Protect Your Air Quality & Yourself!

COVID-19 is AEROSOLIZED.  This means the virus can suspend in the air long after your client leaves the treatment room - for several hours! So, practitioners should wear high quality facial masks such as KN95s, and practitioners should not remove their facial masks in between clients when changing over their treatment rooms because the aerosolized virus could infect you!  An infected individual does not have to be within 6-feet of you to infect you!  You can become infected from their aerosolized virus, especially for massage therapists and spa practitioners who work in small and poorly ventilated massage or spa treatment rooms.
You can learn this fact and more updates at the CDC's guidance page:
Minimize your chances to acquire or transmit COVID-19 with better air quality practices which we review in this free 10-minute training video: 
#COVID19 #covid #safetyfirst #massagetherapist #massage #bodyworker #bodywork #spa #sessionroom #salon #salonlife #salonsuites #LMT #lmtlife #airquality #safety #prevention
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