24 CE FL LMT Renewal Home Study Package: Advanced Deep Tissue with Sanitation Training Elective

CE Institute LLC

$99.00 $300.00

Please visit the following website calendar for our remaining 24 CE FL LMT Renewal Packages this month: https://ceinstitute.com/apps/bookthatapp/calendar.  We will be closing the school on August 31st for the remainder of the year to create new course offerings and management. This 24 CE home study package on this page is no longer available. Thank you.

This course includes everything a regular/active Florida massage therapist needs to renew their license for the Aug 31, 2023 expiration. It is specially approved by Florida Board of Massage for its "regular" 12 CEs of hands-on/relevant to massage training, plus includes all of the mandatory subjects and CE hours. It is also approved with NCBTMB for online home study CE credit.

If you are taking this training for CE credit with another state or board outside of Florida or NCBTMB, please check with your own board to ensure you will receive the credit you need PRIOR TO registering or paying for this class. 

Your package includes:

Students MUST purchase/register on this website page to receive the $125 FL Renewal Package.  Please do not purchase classes from different website pages and then try to switch to this package.  Requests to separate or switch classes in this massively discounted package cannot be provided.

Our ability to provide extensive administrative support for these massively discounted packages is limited, and further compounded by labor shortages. Please make every effort to complete your training early and on-time, before it expires. Please do not wait until the last few days or hours of your training to seek support if you experience any issues or need assistance with your training. 

Please email us at info@CeInstitute.com if you have questions or require assistance. We  cannot provide immediate simultaneous home study assistance while our school is teaching live webinars, so please allow 24-48 business hours for a response to email. Please do not send multiple emails for the same question because this delays a timely response for all.

You will receive an email link to start your online home study courses within a couple minutes of your purchase/registration.  Please check your spam if you do not see this email in your inbox within 5 minutes of your order. Please be sure to check the email address that was used to place your order at registration, and immediately contact us if you do not receive it so that we can resend your login info. 

Please watch the tutorial at the beginning of your home study training. It will instruct how to download your student files and companion training materials for your home study training, plus how to download and print your CE certificate. CE hours are usually reported to CE Broker within 1-week of your total package completion, and no more than 1-month after you have completed your entire 24 CE training package. Students must complete this entire 24 CE package to receive CE credit (which includes passing all quizzes and completing the course survey before it expires). Students can take the quizzes as many times as they need to until they pass, or their course access expires. Partial CE credit is not provided for any reason. Thank you. 

Your 12 CE Hour Hands-on, Relevant to Massage Techniques training will include an advanced training for those who are already familiar with superficial and deep fascia. Deep fascia surrounds muscles, tendons, ligaments and more. When deep fascia encases muscles and their tendons, it is called myofascia. This course primarily focuses on deep tissue techniques for human muscles, tendons and ligaments, including advanced work with superficial and deep fascia. While all fascia is connected, this training does not address humans organs or subserous aka visceral fascia.

In this accelerated, 95% hands-on self-paced, home study training, you will learn detailed palpation of orthopedic structures and anatomy, as well as advanced massage techniques designed to work on the most common soft-tissue injuries in the neck, upper back, mid-back, low back, shoulder and knee. We will physically identify frequently injured ligamentous and muscular structures as well as learn advanced myofascial muscular therapy techniques to address the stress and damage to these areas. You will learn dozens of new, advanced techniques to address some of the most common pains and injuries known today. 

Our goal in this training is to help you understand these anatomical structures as never before through physically locating and palpating each anatomical point with instructor demonstrations and practice along instruction.

While some of the demonstrated techniques in this home study training may be applied to your own body, we recommend obtaining a live model to practice on during this self-paced training, to palpate various anatomical points and practice the physical bodywork while viewing an incredible amount of instructor demonstrations within this advanced bodywork.

24 CE FL LMT Renewal Home Study Package Advanced Myofascial Deep Tissue with Medical Massage Training Elective Tracking #: 20-1261733  


About your Instructor:

CE Institute LLC is excited to welcome Ben Benjamin PhD to teach 12 CE Advanced Myofascial Deep Tissue.  Ben's class schedule with us is limited because he lives in/travels from Boston, MA.  Please TAKE ADVANTAGE of these wonderful advanced learning opportunities while we have them!

Ben E. Benjamin, holds a Ph.D. in sports medicine and was the founder and President of the Muscular Therapy Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts for over 30 years. He has studied under Dr. James Cyriax widely known for his pioneering work in orthopedic medicine.  Dr. Benjamin has been teaching since 1970 and has been in private practice for over 50 years. He has created dozens of webinars that are viewed by therapists around the world. He is the author of dozens articles on working with injuries as well as the widely used books in the field, Listen To Your Pain, Are You Tense?, and Exercise Without Injury. He is also the co-author of The Ethics of Touch and Conversation Transformation.

Please click HERE for all Advanced Bodywork Classes at CE Institute LLC. 

Please click HERE to view a monthly calendar of ALL live classes available at CE Institute LLC.

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