Why Foot Reflexology Charts Do Not Match, For Very Simple Reasons

by Selena Belisle, Founder/Instructor, CE Institute LLC

Massage Magazine has published our article which explains some of the reasons why foot reflexology charts depict different reflex points in different areas and more. You can view the original article published at Massage Magazine by clicking HERE.

Most reflexology chart depictions do not match one another, despite depicting similar points. This contributes to a variety of different reflexology applications and methods being taught and practiced. This can frustrate some reflexologists who learn reflex points are in a specific area, then find these same reflex points in a different area on a different chart. A few experienced reflexologists have felt that some reflex points are in different areas than what’s depicted on their reflexology chart, and they have created a new chart to match their work.

In addition to some reflexologists feeling or experiencing reflexology points in different places, there would be massive copyright issues if one school taught from another’s chart without consent or compensation.

Some clients might also have reflex points in different areas than what a chart depicts, such as a situs inversus client would have the organ reflex points in reverse seeing their organs are in reverse position of normal anatomy. Hence, many charts depicting slightly different reflex point locations now exist for various reasons .

Unfortunately, we do not have any legitimate published studies that show that one reflex chart’s points are more accurate or effective than another. In the end, regardless of how, when or where a reflexology chart was created, there is a general industry consensus of some reflexology chart point locations.

To learn more, please register for quality, affordable, professional training at: https://ceinstitute.com/collections/reflexology

Today's reflexology organ depiction charts are mostly born from zone reflexology practice.  To learn more about this, please view our article: 


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