One of the best ways to add and maintain loyal customers within your spa or massage business is to offer a membership program that provides exclusive benefits to people who pay a monthly or annual fee. Your business will continue to operate as usual for regular customers while your membership program generates a new source of income.
A membership program offers multiple products and customized experiences to your customers. This makes good business sense because when people have more options they will buy more. By making certain products and experiences exclusive to one segment of your clientele— your members—you will build customer loyalty while maximizing profitability.
People want to feel like they belong. They want to feel special. Your members will experience more services, products and support than when they were nonmembers. A membership program provides a sense of belonging while offering authentic benefits to members.
This is the purpose of a membership program: to increase customer loyalty and business revenue, while the customer benefits from enhanced care.
Management should be thinking of business tips to increase service values, business revenue and brand loyalty, all by offering a membership program. (While you are getting ready to launch your membership program, these ideas can be provided within your regular business model as benefits that are upsold to regular customers.) Making sure benefits are truly special will incentivize customers to join your membership program.
All of your guests should feel pampered; otherwise, you won’t attract or retain enough regular clients—nor enough potential customers to join your membership program—so the benefits you provide should stand above and beyond standard items offered to all customers, to justify becoming a member.

Build a Membership Program
Building a membership program is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Determining which benefits you will offer will be entirely customized to each business’s capability, staff skill levels and licensed capabilities, space limitations and budget.
All businesses should capitalize on any perceived benefits they can offer to their customers. Therefore, one goal of your membership program is to use and maximize what you already have in order to generate added value.
A membership program is an opportunity for a business to highlight its specialties, whether onsite perks, retail or massage-tools investments, exclusive treatment spaces or appointments, or such staff competencies as chair massage, reflexology, aromatherapy and mini treatments that could be included in standard business, or treatments that are only available for special clientele.
To determine if a membership model is a good fit for your business, you can engage in beta testing by asking some of your most loyal customers to trial a membership program for free or at a reduced price. If the program is a success, those customers could be offered a founding-member reduced rate to join your membership program. If the beta test is deemed unsuccessful, this presents you with the opportunity to make changes to the program.
You can start with one level of membership as a trial. When the membership program begins to grow, additional tiers of membership benefits could be offered along with an increasing tiered price-point.
This is how this works, as one example: A member at tier one receives five basic benefits for $20 per month while a member at tier two receives five basic benefits plus five enhanced benefits for $35 per month.
Once existing business practices and services are recognized and translated into member benefits, then owners and management can get creative and think about additional benefits that can be added to the membership program. In evaluating how to add benefits, it is important to review past successes and leading business models.
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