Some schools and instructors have claimed that prenatal massage in the 1st trimester is not safe. This is untrue. Prenatal massage in any trimester is perfectly safe, as long as proper training, contraindications and service precautions are observed and followed by the prenatal massage therapist.
There are some pregnancy medical conditions that are unsafe for massage practices in ANY trimester, which is why it is important to see appropriate prenatal massage therapy training PRIOR to working on this vulnerable population.
In this brief 5-minute video, we'll share our thoughts of why we feel prenatal massage in perfectly safe in the first trimester for practitioners who are professional trained to provide prenatal services.
For comprehensive prenatal massage training please visit and register for training at:
#prenatalmassage #pregnancy #prenatal #massage #massagetherapy #massagetherapist #bodywork #bodyworker
quatisha brown - February 03, 2025