Are there Crystals in the Feet? NO! Absolute NOT!

Attention: Reflexologists, Massage Therapists, Bodyworks and anyone working on the feet thinking that you're feeling "crystals". 

Some past instructors used to teach that there were crystals in the feet, and that it was the reflexologist's job to bread down there crystals with physical manual manipulation.  Nothing could be further from the truth - this theory defies science and human anatomy. 

A portion of the human population have feet that are filled with accessory and extra sesamoid bones, scar tissues and more.  These might feel like crystals, but they're not crystals.  These harder nodules within the feet are simple organic human tissues.

In this quick 5 1/2 free training video, we'll review this old philosophy and more.  For proper and professional training, please visit and register at:

 #crystalsinthefeet #footcrystals #feetcrystals  #reflexology #massage #massagetherapist #bodyworker #massagetherapy #earreflexology #accesorybones #sesamoidbones #foot #feet #softtissue #footmassage #badinfo 



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  • quatisha brown - February 03, 2025
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