A Brief 101 About Herpes for Massage Therapists & Bodyworkers

A Brief 101 About Herpes for Massage Therapists & Bodyworkers

Mayo Clinic reports that there are more than 3 million Herpes Simplex I United States cases per year.  Herpes simplex is a common viral infection that is contagious. If you’ve ever had a cold sore or fever blister, you picked up the herpes simplex virus. Most cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). 

Other names for cold sores caused by HSV-1 are:

  • Cold sore
  • Oral herpes
  • Mouth herpes
  • Herpes simplex labialis[i]

This virus can be spread by skin-to-skin contact with an adult who carries the virus. An adult does not have to have sores to spread the virus.

The herpes simplex virus is spread from person to person through close contact. You can get a herpes simplex virus from touching a herpes sore. Most people, however, get herpes simplex from an infected person who does not have sores. Doctors call this “asymptomatic viral shedding.”

Once a person becomes infected with a herpes virus, the virus never leaves the body. After the first outbreak, the virus moves from the skin cells to nerve cells. The virus stays in the nerve cells forever, but it usually just stays there. In this stage, the virus is said to be dormant, or asleep. However, it can become active again.[ii]

Some people have no symptoms from the infection, while others develop painful and unsightly cold sores. Cold sores usually occur outside the mouth, on or around the lips. When they are inside the mouth, they are usually on the gums or the roof of the mouth. They are not the same as canker sores, which are not contagious.[iii] 

Do not touch on or around a cold sore.

Herpes Whitlow (aka Herpetic Whitlow)[iv]

Herpes whitlow is a viral infection of the hand and is contagious with person to person contact[v]. As such, it is a massage contraindication. Herpes whitlow results from exposure to type 1 or type 2 herpes simplex virus (also contagious) into broken skin. The infection may occur as a complication of primary oral or genital herpes lesions.


Health care workers specifically exposed to oral secretions are the most susceptible (e.g., dental hygienists, respiratory therapists). They can be affected if they are not using universal precautions.

Signs and symptoms of herpetic whitlow include the abrupt onset of edema, erythema, and significant localized tenderness of the infected finger. Often, the pain is out of proportion to the physical findings. Fever, lymphadenitis, and epitrochlear and axillary lymphadenopathy may be present. Small, clear vesicles are present initially. These may eventually coalesce and mimic a bacterial infection.


Herpes whitlow usually is self-contained and resolves in two to three weeks. Pharmaceutical treatment within the first 48 hours of symptom onset may lessen the severity of infection. This infection recurs in 30 to 50 percent of cases, but the initial infection is typically the most severe.

Herpes Zoster aka Shingles

Almost 1 out of every 3 people in the United States will develop shingles, also known as herpes zoster, in their lifetime. There are an estimated 1 million cases of shingles each year in this country. Anyone who has recovered from chickenpox may develop shingles; even children can get shingles.


Shingles is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person recovers from chickenpox, the virus stays dormant (inactive) in the body. Scientists aren’t sure why the virus can reactivate years later, causing shingles.  The risk of shingles increases as you get older.[vi]

Shingles cannot be passed from one person to another. However, the virus that causes shingles, the varicella zoster virus, can spread from a person with active shingles to cause chickenpox in someone who had never had chickenpox or received chickenpox vaccine. 

The virus is spread through direct contact with fluid from the rash blisters caused by shingles.  Shingles is less contagious than chickenpox and the risk of a person with shingles spreading the virus is low if the rash is covered.

A person with active shingles can spread the virus when the rash is in the blister phase. A person is not infectious before the blisters appear. Once the rash has developed crusts, the person is no longer infectious.

People who have shingles are advised to:

  • Cover the rash and avoid touching or scratching it.
  • Wash hands often to prevent the spread of varicella zoster virus.
  • Avoid contact with “vulnerable” people until the rash has developed crusts.[vii]

For bodyworkers, someone who has never had chickenpox should avoid contact with shingles (close contact could lead to virus transmission).  It is ill-advised to work on or over the blister-like sores (shingles) – even when virus transmission is not a concern.  While all blister patterns are different, herpes zoster regularly breaks out on one side of the body and may form a pattern that looks like a line.  Allow blisters to heal and skin become fully intact prior to working over the affected area and as always, it’s best to seek approval and/or direction for services from a medical physician regarding medical conditions.


To learn more, please register for training at https://ceinstitute.com/

#massage #massagetherapy #massageprecautions #massagecontraindications


[i] American Academy of Dermatology. “Herpes Simplex.” Herpes Simplex | American Academy of Dermatology, Retrieved online: 1 May 2018, www.aad.org/public/diseases/contagious-skin-diseases/herpes-simplex#overview.

[ii] American Academy of Dermatology. “Herpes Simplex.” Herpes Simplex | American Academy of Dermatology, 1 May 2018, www.aad.org/public/diseases/contagious-skin-diseases/herpes-simplex#causes.

[iii] National Institutes of Health. “Cold Sores.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 23 Apr. 2018, medlineplus.gov/coldsores.html.

[iv] Clark, Dwayne C. “Common Acute Hand Infections.” American Family Physician, 1 Dec. 2003, www.aafp.org/afp/2003/1201/p2167.html.

[v] Higuera, Valencia, “What you Need to Know About Herpetic Whitlow”  Healthline, 21 June 2017, https://www.healthline.com/health/herpetic-whitlow

[vi] National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. “Shingles (Herpes Zoster).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,  19 Jan. 2018, www.cdc.gov/shingles/about/overview.html.

[vii] National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. “Shingles (Herpes Zoster).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,  19 Jan. 2018, www.cdc.gov/shingles/about/transmission.html.



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  • magriet dennis - October 24, 2024

    Get rid of all kinds of Herpes and virus infections, Diabetes, Hepatitis A B C, Menopause and HIV with Natural Roots and Herbs, i was once infected with HERPES and after using Dr UMA Herbal Medicine for couple of weeks i couldn’t trace it anymore, i even went for checkup and my test came out Negative. Get your cure today from this wonderful herbalist, Dr. UMA.
    You can also reach doctor UMA on WhatsApp
    +2347035619585 or Email dr.umaherbalcenter@gmail.com.

  • Amelia Jonathan - October 23, 2024

    My name is Amelia Jonathan from the United States, Using this opportunity to thank Dr. Ughulu is a grateful thing to me, for over years I have been sick with Hepatitis B disease, I have done a lot of things to get cured of my diseases and nothing has worked out. I have taken different types of medication for it , but it still doesn’t work for me. I still keep going for a check up so that the doctor will tell me my disease has be gone, because i’m taking my medicine with no result nothing has been cured, I have spent a lot of money just to get cure of Hepatitis B. until my old time friend came to my place and saw what am going through, and then direct me to contact Dr. Ughulu who is a very powerful man, which I did explain my problem to Dr. Ughulu and send me a herbal remedy bottle and explain to me how I should drink it. So I started to drink the herbal tea in one week that I drink the herbal tea. I went for a check up to check if I’m cured from Hepatitis B disease, then the nurse told me nothing is wrong with me anymore and said I’m fine. I am the happiest person right now. I promise Dr Ughulu I will testify about his good work on the internet. Reach out to Dr. Ughulu Via: drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com Thank you so much sir for what you did for me you’re the best of all. TEXT OR CALL: +1(252) 409-1841 or website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu

  • summer jessic - October 23, 2024

    I came across testimonies of Dr. Oliver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions for up to 21 days. After completing the medication I went back to my doctor for another test and the virus was all gone and i was completely cured, since then i have not had any signs of outbreak. I’m so filled with joy. With herbal medication Herpes Virus is 100% curable. I refer to Dr. Oliver to everyone out there with the virus. His email address is Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com WhatsApp +2348110493039 OR website https://droliverherbalcent.wixsite.com/-oliver

  • Fola Rose - October 23, 2024

    I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 3 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr.Akhimien on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr.Akhimien today on this Email address: drakhiniemodion@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on this Tel.Number +2349133157031. Akhimien inbox for information or website:: https://drakhiniemodion.wixsite.com/drakhimien

  • lara clear - October 23, 2024

    I’m recommending Dr Oliver to everyone who has herpes simplex virus to get the cure from him. I was diagnosed with genital herpes in 2022 and I have been searching and asking questions to see if i could get something to cure the disease because i did not believe what the doctors say that no cure is found yet. I came across a comment on Youtube and the person testified how she was cured from herpes and hpv after using Dr Oliver herbal medicine. I quickly contacted Dr Oliver and explained my problem to him and he prepared the herbs and sent it to me through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use it and told me to go for checkup after usage which I did after two weeks of taking the herbal medicine and my result was NEGATIVE. I waited another month and retested, the result was still NEGATIVE and my doctor told me that I am completely free from herpes. Am so happy and grateful to Dr Oliver for what he has done for me and I will continue to share this for people out there to know that there is a cure for herpes. You can contact Dr Oliver on email and WhatsApp to get the cure from him. Email: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +2348110493039 you can also go through his website: https://droliverherbalcent.wixsite.com/doctor-oliver

  • melanin goins - October 23, 2024

    Am testifying of the miraculous work of a great herbalist doctor called Dr Oliver I have been suffering from herpes since last 2 years with my Husband but today I am happy that am cured from it with the herbal medicine made by Dr Oliver the great healer, I was browsing the Internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Oliver cured her from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure and today i am now free from the Virus, Email him now for help.  Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com  you can also call him or WhatsApp (+2348110493039 

  • melanin goins - October 23, 2024

    Am testifying of the miraculous work of a great herbalist doctor called Dr Oliver I have been suffering from herpes since last 2 years with my Husband but today I am happy that am cured from it with the herbal medicine made by Dr Oliver the great healer, I was browsing the Internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Oliver cured her from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure and today i am now free from the Virus, Email him now for help.  Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com  you can also call him or WhatsApp (+2348110493039 

  • Jasmine - October 23, 2024


    Am so glad to be expressing my profound gratitude to a man that is so concerned about other people’s well being. I was suffering from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE II) The doctors keep telling me that there is no cure but i believe that there is a cure somewhere and they don’t want people to get cured. I tried searching online if I could see anything that will help me and a comment on YouTube on how Dr Yare help to cure herpes with herbs and i also saw so many comments about him on many web pages on how he had helped and cured so many people suffering from HERPES 1$2, HPV, CANCER, HIV/AIDS, COLD SORE etc. So I contacted him through his email and I shared my problems with him and he sent me the herbs through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use it. It took me two weeks to finish the herbs and after I finished using it, he told me to go for a medical test, behold the result was negative, now I am HERPES VIRUS free. I just want to use this platform to thank Dr Yare for curing me from that horrible disease and also for exposing his herbal cure to the world at large, please you can as well contact Dr Yare on his email below.

    Name: Dr Enoma Yare
    Email: natureroot.herbs@gmail.com
    PHONE/WHATS APP : +(2348077286863}

    Dr Yare herbs is the perfect remedy for Herpes1&2, HPV, HIV and other diseases.

  • tabitha - October 23, 2024

    am tabitha from california.i want to about the good work of dr ezomo the great herbalist.i was a patient of genital herpes testify for good 3 years of pain and suffering i lost hope for everything about life one day i was surfing the internet i met comments about these great herbalist dr ezomo i decided to contact him he told me he can help i was surprise to hear that from him because internet is not a place to trust anymore he told what i need to do which i actually did but today am cured from that deadly virus i want you all to follow me thank dr ezomo for the great thing he has done in my life please if you found yourself in such situation please contact him via email; drezomospellhome@hotmail.com or contact me on tabithazachary@gmail.com

  • Michael Carey - October 23, 2024

    There’s a very simple method about male organs size Enlargement , Erectile Dysfunction and Low sperm count for men. Herbal medicine is 100% guaranteed for male organs Enlargement and Good Erection, The main reason why lots of men are finding it difficult to Enlarge male organs and last long during xxx is because they so believe in Hard drugs made of chemicals which cause damages to the body system & weakens the immune, i was once a victim but not anymore after finding this simple solution of natural herbs from Doctor Ede & now I’m recommending All fellow men facing this Health issues to get in contact with Doctor Ede via Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DrEdehumblesolution or WhatsApp via https://wa.me/2347054690368 or Email : medicalmediumherbal@gmail.com for Natural Herbal Penis Enlargement Product

  • Evita - October 23, 2024

    I was in tears and pain, suffering from Herpes for the past 2 years, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Oyagu on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according .to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease, you can contact Dr. Oyagu now email, oyaguherbalhomehome@gmail.com Via WhatsApp +2348101755322 God Bless You All

  • Princess - October 23, 2024

    Thanks to Dr. Ajayi for bringing back my life. I was completely cured of HERPES with the herbal medicine I got from Dr. Ajayi which I took for 2 weeks. I learned about Dr. Ajayi through a friend who was also cured of Herpes after taking his herbs. His herbal medicine works perfectly, effectively, curing the HERPES from your body system with no side effects. I recommend Dr. Ajayi to anyone suffering from Herpes, His herbal medicine will get you cured completely. You can contact him through His email at ajayiherbalhome@gmail.com Call/WhatsApp him at +2348119071237. He can help with various health problems including hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, cancer, and lupus or any major diseases Visit his website at https://ajayiherbalhome.weebly.com

  • Dr. Ayo Christopher - October 22, 2024

    I am Dr. Ayo Christopher, I am a Great traditional Herbal Medicine Doctor. I specialize in treating any kind of disease and infection using Herbs Medicine. I have the Herbal Cure for Diabetes, Virginal infections, Genital, Gonorrhea, warts virus infections, Leukemia, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Menopause, Hepatitis A B C, HIV, and other deadly infections. I have treated more than 20 patients who have Herpes (HSV 2) and all of them were cured. My herbal medicine is 100% safe, there are no side effects and You will start seeing clear results as early as 7 days.

    If you have been taking conventional medicines for that Herpes infection and you are still having those re-occurring outbreaks, why don’t you try Herbal Medicines and see it get cured in weeks. For more information, send me an Email: ridvid8@gmail.com Skype: Dr.ayoherbalcure@outlook.com
  • Evita - October 22, 2024

    I was in tears and pain, suffering from Herpes for the past 2 years, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Oyagu on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according .to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease, you can contact Dr. Oyagu now email, oyaguherbalhomehome@gmail.com Via WhatsApp +2348101755322 God Bless You All

  • Evita - October 22, 2024

    I was in tears and pain, suffering from Herpes for the past 2 years, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Oyagu on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according .to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease, you can contact Dr. Oyagu now email, oyaguherbalhomehome@gmail.com Via WhatsApp +2348101755322 God Bless You All

  • Stella Bruno - October 22, 2024

    I still don’t know the right words to express my gratitude to Herbalist Dr. UGHULU. After being diagnosed with Herpes Virus 2 months ago, I was given so many health prescriptions and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until I found testimonies of Great Dr. UGHULU online when I was researching on a Blog, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting him but I later did and he opened up to me and told me what was involved and he started. the remedies for my health. Thank God, I was cured from Herpes Virus by the herbal medication I received from him. I never thought that Herpes Virus can be cured, From the bottom of my heart I’m truly grateful and I pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your herbal medical support, You can Email him via email :drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com or for easy and fast communication, Here is his Website https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu/ Text/Call:+1 (252) 409-1841 One thing I love most about Dr. UGHULU he is a good man with kind hearted, He is very polite with his patience, Everything he told me was what he did and his herbal medicine are very affordable.

  • Naomi - October 22, 2024

    I am so happy to testify of the good work of Dr. Grant, I Suffer from Herpes virus since 2020 and I had frequent symptoms in my private area. after some time it will go away after using acyclovir drugs, then come back after some months. it was disheartening since i have been diagnosed, but after finding Dr. Grant and his reviews i was convinced that he will definitely cure me and so i contacted him and he told me how to get his herbal medicine and using it for just two weeks and i will go for check up and first i said how can that be possible but i used his herbal medicine after making purchase and truly i used it and went for the test again, and my result came back negative. so i made it a task to share this good testimony in the internet so that those sick can benefit and get cured. you can contact him on WhatsApp or call: +2348115892498 email: grantingheartdesiresspell@gmail.com

  • Lennon - October 22, 2024

    Here is my testimony on how to get cured from HSV1&2. I got diagnose of HSV-2 and I have been taking pills to prevent an outbreak. I never stop searching for a cure because I strongly believe that there is something somewhere that can get rid of it completely and in February this year, I ran through some comments on a blog about Dr Osato herbal cure and a lot of people commented about him having the herbs that can get rid of herpes completely. I was excited and I contacted Dr Osato and ordered the cure for myself and he sent it to me through UPS and gave me instructions on how to take it which I rightly followed and behold I went for checkup after two weeks of taking the herbs and my result shows NEGATIVE. My doctor confirmed with me that I am totally clear from HSV-2. You can as well contact Dr Osato to get the herbal cure from him. His email is osatoherbalcure@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +2347051705853.. His website is https://osatoherbalcure.wordpress.com

  • frances tony - October 21, 2024

    I thought the physicians says there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR.UMA cure HSV 2 with his herbal medicine and once you get cured you are cured forever it is never reversible, I have been suffering for this deadly disease called h HSV 2 for more than a 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR.UMA cure HSV, Hapatitis etc with his herbal medication and an email and watsapp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR.UMA sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but only 2weeks I feel strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via email…dr.umaherbalcenter@gmail.com WhatsApp +2347035619585. He is capable of curing AUTISM, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES.

  • Stella Bruno - October 21, 2024

    I still don’t know the right words to express my gratitude to Herbalist Dr. UGHULU. After being diagnosed with Herpes Virus 2 months ago, I was given so many health prescriptions and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until I found testimonies of Great Dr. UGHULU online when I was researching on a Blog, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting him but I later did and he opened up to me and told me what was involved and he started. the remedies for my health. Thank God, I was cured from Herpes Virus by the herbal medication I received from him. I never thought that Herpes Virus can be cured, From the bottom of my heart I’m truly grateful and I pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your herbal medical support, You can Email him via email :drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com or for easy and fast communication, Here is his Website https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu/ Text/Call:+1 (252) 409-1841 One thing I love most about Dr. UGHULU he is a good man with kind hearted, He is very polite with his patience, Everything he told me was what he did and his herbal medicine are very affordable.

  • Stella Bruno - October 21, 2024

    I still don’t know the right words to express my gratitude to Herbalist Dr. UGHULU. After being diagnosed with Herpes Virus 2 months ago, I was given so many health prescriptions and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until I found testimonies of Great Dr. UGHULU online when I was researching on a Blog, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting him but I later did and he opened up to me and told me what was involved and he started. the remedies for my health. Thank God, I was cured from Herpes Virus by the herbal medication I received from him. I never thought that Herpes Virus can be cured, From the bottom of my heart I’m truly grateful and I pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your herbal medical support, You can Email him via email :drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com or for easy and fast communication, Here is his Website https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu/ Text/Call:+1 (252) 409-1841 One thing I love most about Dr. UGHULU he is a good man with kind hearted, He is very polite with his patience, Everything he told me was what he did and his herbal medicine are very affordable.

  • Valerie Lancaster - October 21, 2024

    Am really grateful and thankful for what Dr Oliver has done for me and my family. I Was having HERPES for good three years with no solution, the diseases almost took my life and because I was unable to work and I was also losing lots of money for medication, but one faithful day when I went online, I met lots of testimonies about this great man so I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did it. He cured me of my diseases and I am so happy and so pleased to Write about him today. if you need his help or you also want to get cured just the way I got mine, just email him below Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com or WhatsApp Contact +234 811 049 3039

  • Julia Kleven - October 20, 2024

    I was diagnosed of genital Herpes 6months ago and was in pain with the knowledge that there is no cure for the virus! there was a day I saw several post about a herbalist how he’s used natural herbal medicine to cure this particular virus, Immediately I contacted him on his website and he prepared and sent me the herbal medicine through DHL delivery and after 14days of usage, the Pain, and sores were gone i went to the hospital for test I’m the happiest woman on earth because I just tested negative to the virus! this testimony is real and thanks to Dr Ehiagwina you can also reach him on his Email: ehiagwinaherbalhome@gmail.com or on whatsapp: +2348162084504.

  • frances tony - October 19, 2024

    I thought the physicians says there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR.UMA cure HSV 2 with his herbal medicine and once you get cured you are cured forever it is never reversible, I have been suffering for this deadly disease called h HSV 2 for more than a 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR.UMA cure HSV, Hapatitis etc with his herbal medication and an email and watsapp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR.UMA sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but only 2weeks I feel strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via email…dr.umaherbalcenter@gmail.com WhatsApp +2347035619585. He is capable of curing AUTISM, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES.

  • Lara clear - October 19, 2024

    I’m recommending Dr Oliver to everyone who has herpes simplex virus to get the cure from him. I was diagnosed with genital herpes in 2022 and I have been searching and asking questions to see if i could get something to cure the disease because i did not believe what the doctors say that no cure is found yet. I came across a comment on Youtube and the person testified how she was cured from herpes and hpv after using Dr Oliver herbal medicine. I quickly contacted Dr Oliver and explained my problem to him and he prepared the herbs and sent it to me through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use it and told me to go for checkup after usage which I did after two weeks of taking the herbal medicine and my result was NEGATIVE. I waited another month and retested, the result was still NEGATIVE and my doctor told me that I am completely free from herpes. Am so happy and grateful to Dr Oliver for what he has done for me and I will continue to share this for people out there to know that there is a cure for herpes. You can contact Dr Oliver on email and WhatsApp to get the cure from him. Email: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +2348110493039 you can also go through his website: https://droliverherbalcent.wixsite.com/doctor-oliver

  • Mary - October 19, 2024

    Truly, natural remedies do work. We wouldn’t have used them for thousands of years if they don’t, pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t be studying plants, taking extracts from them, and patenting them as drugs. Your doctor will lie to you that there is no cure for HSV, HIV, HPV and some certain other illnesses because they want you to keep spending your hard-earned money on those drugs without getting a permanent cure. It’s time to solve your problem with natural herbs. I and my friends were cured. I was cured of HSV while my friend and her husband got rid of HPV with the use of Dr. Ogba herbal remedies. Don’t forget nature has the power to heal anything. Contact info: Email: drogbakosu@gmail.com
    Whatsap: +2349031284077
    Facebook page: https://t.ly/8iTLh

  • magriet dennis - October 18, 2024

    Get rid of all kinds of Herpes and virus infections, Diabetes, Hepatitis A B C, Menopause and HIV with Natural Roots and Herbs, i was once infected with HERPES and after using Dr UMA Herbal Medicine for couple of weeks i couldn’t trace it anymore, i even went for checkup and my test came out Negative. Get your cure today from this wonderful herbalist, Dr. UMA.
    You can also reach doctor UMA on WhatsApp
    +2347035619585 or Email dr.umaherbalcenter@gmail.com.

  • Summer jessic - October 17, 2024

    I thought the physicians said there is no cure for HSV 1&2 !!! I am telling you today that DR. Oliver cured HSV 1&2 with herbal medicine and his cure is forever, it is never reversible, I have been suffering from this deadly disease called HSV 1&2 for more than 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 1&2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR. Oliver cured HSV, Hepatitis etc. with his herbal medication and an email and WhatsApp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was a joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR Oliver sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but after only 2weeks I felt strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via Email: Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com or WhatsApp +2348110493039. He is capable of curing FIBROID, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES ,VITILIGO.

  • Harley Farah - October 17, 2024

    I am excited to share that I experienced a reversal of ALS thanks to Dr. Agumba, who specializes in Naturopathic medicine. His treatments have helped many, and I have heard countless positive testimonies about his approach. If you or someone you know is battling ALS, I encourage you to reach out to him for support. Here’s his contact’s information: WhatsApp +2349032173881 Email; dragumbasolutioncenter@gmail.com or visit https://dragumbasolutioncent.wixsite.com/spell

  • Xavier Lukas - October 17, 2024

    I couldn’t never thought I was going to get my EX lover back but the moment I contacted Dr Ughulu I got her back within 24 hours. I saw Dr ughulu on a group of United states so i visited his page and I saw he is spell caster so i decided to send him a message for him to help me bring back my wife so I texted him and i give him the reason why i text him and he said it shouldn’t bother me i am getting her back immediately i was so very happy Dr ughulu arrange everything to cast a love spell on her that brought back my wife within 24 hours. She’s now with me. I’m very grateful to know Dr Ughulu. Thank you so much sir.

    Website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu

    EMAIL: drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com

    Call number Text number: +1(252) 409-1841

  • Martha Jecorick - October 16, 2024

    DR. OSATO`S CURE FOR HERPES1&2 – A NATURAL WAY TO GET HERPES1&2 CURED. If you have been looking for ways to naturally get rid of the herpes simplex virus from your body totally, then you are welcome to read further. Let’s face reality here, you have tried so many counter drugs and you are confused, weak and angry because nothing seems to work. Good News For you my friend…. Yes, I came with good news that will liberate you from the pains and stress of herpes outbreak, you will get total cure from this virus using Dr. Osato Herbal Methodology. Who is Dr. Osato? You may ask. Dr. Osato is a herbalist and a naturalist. He researched and identified some herbs and established a unique methodology to healing the human body using Herbal medicine that was confidently entrenched in his over 30 years of experience. According to him, he has the cure for so many diseases/virus like GENITAL HERPES, HIV, DIABETES, CANCER, HPV, HSV1&2, GENITAL WART, SHINGLES, VAGINAL INFECTION and so many more. You can reach Dr Osato on his email: osatoherbalcure@gmail.com or WhatsApp +2347051705853. You can also contact him through his website: https://osatoherbalcure.wordpress.com.  I am using this medium to inform everyone how to get treated of herpes using Dr Osato recommended Herbal methodology

  • Martha Jecorick - October 16, 2024

    DR. OSATO`S CURE FOR HERPES1&2 – A NATURAL WAY TO GET HERPES1&2 CURED. If you have been looking for ways to naturally get rid of the herpes simplex virus from your body totally, then you are welcome to read further. Let’s face reality here, you have tried so many counter drugs and you are confused, weak and angry because nothing seems to work. Good News For you my friend…. Yes, I came with good news that will liberate you from the pains and stress of herpes outbreak, you will get total cure from this virus using Dr. Osato Herbal Methodology. Who is Dr. Osato? You may ask. Dr. Osato is a herbalist and a naturalist. He researched and identified some herbs and established a unique methodology to healing the human body using Herbal medicine that was confidently entrenched in his over 30 years of experience. According to him, he has the cure for so many diseases/virus like GENITAL HERPES, HIV, DIABETES, CANCER, HPV, HSV1&2, GENITAL WART, SHINGLES, VAGINAL INFECTION and so many more. You can reach Dr Osato on his email: osatoherbalcure@gmail.com or WhatsApp +2347051705853. You can also contact him through his website: https://osatoherbalcure.wordpress.com.  I am using this medium to inform everyone how to get treated of herpes using Dr Osato recommended Herbal methodology.

  • Summer jessic - October 16, 2024

    I came across testimonies of Dr. Oliver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions for up to 21 days. After completing the medication I went back to my doctor for another test and the virus was all gone and i was completely cured, since then i have not had any signs of outbreak. I’m so filled with joy. With herbal medication Herpes Virus is 100% curable. I refer to Dr. Oliver to everyone out there with the virus. His email address is Droliverherbalcenter@gmail.com WhatsApp +2348110493039 OR website https://droliverherbalcent.wixsite.com/-oliver

  • Sara - October 16, 2024

    I can’t still believe that I got cured from Genital Herpes through herbal treatment from Dr Excel who I met through the internet, I actually couldn’t believe it at first because it sounded impossible to me knowing how far I have gone just to get rid of it. Dr Excel send me his medicine which I took as instructed and here I am living a happy life once again after testing negative’ and I don’t experience the symptoms no more, a big thanks to Dr Excel, I am sure there are many herbal doctors out there but Dr Excel did it for me, contact him today by visiting his website: https://excelherbalcure.com

  • Ariana - October 16, 2024

    I read on the internet about a traditional herbal man who cures herpes virus with herbal medicine’ I had my doubts and was skeptical but unlike many I decided to place my destiny in my own hands by going further to contact and follow his instructions. This is the words of someone who has felt the pains of being infected and affected with genital Herpes virus and finally got cured after drinking a natural herbal medicine from dr excel the herbalist after being diagnosed for 4years. I am a witness today that herbal medication can cure genital herpes because I have just test negative for the second time and all the symptoms were totally gone. you should contact Doctor Excel by visiting his website…. Excelherbalcure.com or talk with him directly on WhatsApp +1 509 883 9893

  • maria erica - October 16, 2024

    I’m very excited to inform everyone that I’m completely cured from HSV1&2 recently. I have used Oregano oil, Coconut oil, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir, and some other products and it’s really help during my outbreaks but I totally got cured from HSV1&2 with a strong and active herbal medicine ordered from a powerful herbalist called Dr Aba and it completely fought the virus away my nervous system and I tested negative after 14 days of using the herbal medicine. I’m here to let everyone know that herpes virus has a complete cure, I got rid of mine with the help of Dr Aba and his herbal exploit. Contact him via email: dr.abaherbalhome@gmail.com or WhatsApp him at +2348107155060

  • Vernon - October 16, 2024

    I am excited to share this testimony, I was 3 years ago diagnosed of  Herpes virus . My medical condition was heart broken because it was causing me so many our brakes, I was subjected to different medications by my medical doctor just to control the ourbrakes. Despite my visit to several doctors my health wasn’t getting better, all they could say is for me to stay on the treatment. At the verge of giving up, I went to the internet to search for a treatment on my own at least. But I found a cure instead. In the internet, I read a testimony of a lady who had herpes. She shared an e-mail address of the Doctor. Luckily everything seemed to be okay after I took the Herbal Medicine. I wish I could say that’s the end of it because I haven’t had any symptoms since then.  Do not expose yourself to more danger, use a herbal remedy that is safe and effective. If interested contact him via email address dr.abaherbalhome@gmail.com. or call +2348107155060

  • Lisa oney - October 16, 2024

    God bless DR UROMI for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES VIRUS since 2015 and I was taking my medications, I wasn’t satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about DR.UROMI how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as instructed, in 2 weeks i was totally cured. if you need herbal cure contact Dr uromi on his WhatsAPP number: +2349157203547 because he has a solution to all your problems. Email druromiherbalhome@gmail.com..

  • Rita - October 15, 2024

    I’m 40 years old female I tested genital herpes (HSV1-2) positive in 2016. I was having bad outbreaks. EXTREMELY PAINFUL. I have try different kinds of drugs and treatment by the medical doctors all to know was avail. Six months ago I was desperately online searching for a helpful remedies for genital herpes (HSV1-2) cure, which I come across some helpful remedies on how Dr OYAGU have help so many people in curing genital herpes (HSV1-2) with the help of herbal treatment because I too believe there is someone somewhere in the world who can cure herpes completely. At of the past 2 months, however, I’ve been following his herpes protocol and it stopped all outbreaks completely! To my greatest surprise I was cured completely by following the protocol of his herbal medicine . Don’t be discouraged by the medical doctors. There is a cure for HSV with the help of herbs and roots by a herbalist Dr call Dr OYAGU he is so kind and truthful with his herbal treatment, kindly contact him for more information Via oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com or https://www.facebook.com/droyaguherbalhome WhatsApp DR on +2348101755322 or visit his website https://oyaguspellcaster.wixsite.com/oyaguherbalhome you will be lucky as I am today

  • Elizabeth Lucas - October 15, 2024


    Greetings to everyone here online🤗. In 2020 during the time of coronavirus I had HSV1 which I have been looking for a way to cure. I didn’t see any herbal remedy to cure me. I worried both day and night that this disease shouldn’t take away my life at an early age. I did so much research online to cure my HSV1, I couldn’t find anyone who will help me. Exactly the day I went to the hospital to take my covid-19 injection my doctor told me what to write to get a good search online so I can find a herbal spell caster to get me cured. So I really did what the doctor says, so I went home to search for a cure online and I found a spell caster called Dr ughulu who prepared me herbal remedy to cure my HSV1 and covid-19 disease. He did everything within 24 hours. Now if you’re going through all kind of disease contact Dr ughulu phone number here: CALL NUMBER: +1(252) 409-1841 You can visit his website: https://drughulupowerfulsp.wixsite.com/my-site-ughulu EMAIL:drughulupowerfulspelltemple@gmail.com

  • Rita - October 15, 2024

    I’m 40 years old female I tested genital herpes (HSV1-2) positive in 2016. I was having bad outbreaks. EXTREMELY PAINFUL. I have try different kinds of drugs and treatment by the medical doctors all to know was avail. Six months ago I was desperately online searching for a helpful remedies for genital herpes (HSV1-2) cure, which I come across some helpful remedies on how Dr OYAGU have help so many people in curing genital herpes (HSV1-2) with the help of herbal treatment because I too believe there is someone somewhere in the world who can cure herpes completely. At of the past 2 months, however, I’ve been following his herpes protocol and it stopped all outbreaks completely! To my greatest surprise I was cured completely by following the protocol of his herbal medicine . Don’t be discouraged by the medical doctors. There is a cure for HSV with the help of herbs and roots by a herbalist Dr call Dr OYAGU he is so kind and truthful with his herbal treatment, kindly contact him for more information Via oyaguherbalhome@gmail.com or https://www.facebook.com/droyaguherbalhome WhatsApp DR on +2348101755322 or visit his website https://oyaguspellcaster.wixsite.com/oyaguherbalhome you will be lucky as I am today

  • liliane Maffei - October 15, 2024

    I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 year and 8 months, and ever since then, I have been taking a series of treatments, but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr. OBEHI, on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation, he sent me the medicine which i took according to his instructions. When i was done taking the herbal medicine, I went for a medical checkup, and to my greatest surprise, I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease, you can contact Dr. OBEHI on his email address: drobehiherbelmedicine@gmail.com or whatsapp +233204179601.

  • Charles Robinson - October 15, 2024

    Guys, Herpes have CURE! Please change your mind about herbal doctors, because I for once never believed in their medicines until I came across Dr Tunde. This man successfully cured me of Herpes Simplex Virus and Genital Warts (HSV 2). Early this year, my medical doctor diagnosed me with genital herpes when I noticed painful blisters on my penis. A few months later, I began experiencing outbreaks of genital warts. Despite trying various pills & medications, there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr Tunde curing people from different diseases.

    Though initially skeptical, I decided to give it a shot. I provided him with my information, and he said he would prepare a herbal remedy for me to take for a certain period. He sent me the medicine, and I followed his instructions. Now I am a fan of natural herbs, I am convinced 100% that it works, and incredibly happy to be free from herpes and genital warts. My heart is filled with joy, and I want to express my gratitude to Dr Tunde for curing me.

    Dr Tunde has herbal Cure for ​o​ther human infections, like HERPES (HSV), DIABETES, HEPATITIS, GONORRHEA, CANCER, HIV/AIDS, AUTISM, ALZHEIMER, STAPHYLOCOCCUS, FIBROIDS, ADHD, INFERTILITY, OVERWEIGHT (OBESITY), INSOMNIA, YEAST INFECTION, PNEUMONIA, etc or any other disease, get in touch with Dr Tunde and ask him to help you. Dr Tunde is easier to reach on Whatsapp. Copy the phone number {+2348029666702}, add his number on your WhatsApp. Just drop him a text/message on WhatsApp, he will respond to you in minutes. You also Reach Dr. Tunde through his e-mail: {dr.tundeherbalmedicines@gmail.com}

    Also, I’m working on an article about herbal medicines, set to be published in a few months. If you’ve used Dr Tunde’s medicine, please write to me about your experience with his treatment. I’m eager to gather various perspectives, and I can keep it anonymous if you prefer.

    Hint: Dr Tunde is easier to reach on WhatsApp, than on the email. Copy the phone number ​​+2348029666702, add his number on your whatsapp. Just drop him a text/message on WhatsApp, he will respond to you in minutes. You also Reach Dr. Tunde through his e-mail:{ dr.tundeherbalmedicines@gmail.com } just tell him what you want, and ask him if there is a cure available. You will return back here to talk good things about the man. ​Visit his website for more info: https://www.tundeherbalmedicine.com

  • Naomi - October 15, 2024

    I am so happy to testify of the good work of Dr. Grant, I Suffer from Herpes virus since 2020 and I had frequent symptoms in my private area. after some time it will go away after using acyclovir drugs, then come back after some months. it was disheartening since i have been diagnosed, but after finding Dr. Grant and his reviews i was convinced that he will definitely cure me and so i contacted him and he told me how to get his herbal medicine and using it for just two weeks and i will go for check up and first i said how can that be possible but i used his herbal medicine after making purchase and truly i used it and went for the test again, and my result came back negative. so i made it a task to share this good testimony in the internet so that those sick can benefit and get cured. you can contact him on WhatsApp or call: +2348115892498 email: grantingheartdesiresspell@gmail.com

  • Rachelle Hollie - October 15, 2024

    I want to thank Dr Osato for curing me from HSV-2 with his herbal medication. All the symptoms of herpes are completely gone from my body and it’s been over 3yrs now since i got cured from herpes with Dr Osato herbal medicine and my result still shows Negative and my doctor confirmed with me that I am totally cleared from herpes. I just want to let you all know that Dr Osato herbs cures herpes completely from the body and you can contact him for the cure if you are suffering from HIV/AIDS, HERPES-1 & 2, HPV, DIABETES AND CANCER. You can contact Dr Osato on his email: osatoherbalcure@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +2347051705853 to get the herbal product and get rid of the virus completely from your body. Dr Osato is real and a great herbalist who can help you from your illness. His website is https://osatoherbalcure.wordpress.com or you can message him on his facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Dr-Osato-Herbal-Cure-106002928040920.

  • Rachelle Hollie - October 15, 2024

    I want to thank Dr Osato for curing me from HSV-2 with his herbal medication. All the symptoms of herpes are completely gone from my body and it’s been over 3yrs now since i got cured from herpes with Dr Osato herbal medicine and my result still shows Negative and my doctor confirmed with me that I am totally cleared from herpes. I just want to let you all know that Dr Osato herbs cures herpes completely from the body and you can contact him for the cure if you are suffering from HIV/AIDS, HERPES-1 & 2, HPV, DIABETES AND CANCER. You can contact Dr Osato on his email: osatoherbalcure@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +2347051705853 to get the herbal product and get rid of the virus completely from your body. Dr Osato is real and a great herbalist who can help you from your illness. His website is https://osatoherbalcure.wordpress.com or you can message him on his facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Dr-Osato-Herbal-Cure-106002928040920.

  • Rachelle Hollie - October 15, 2024

    I want to thank Dr Osato for curing me from HSV-2 with his herbal medication. All the symptoms of herpes are completely gone from my body and it’s been over 3yrs now since i got cured from herpes with Dr Osato herbal medicine and my result still shows Negative and my doctor confirmed with me that I am totally cleared from herpes. I just want to let you all know that Dr Osato herbs cures herpes completely from the body and you can contact him for the cure if you are suffering from HIV/AIDS, HERPES-1 & 2, HPV, DIABETES AND CANCER. You can contact Dr Osato on his email: osatoherbalcure@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +2347051705853 to get the herbal product and get rid of the virus completely from your body. Dr Osato is real and a great herbalist who can help you from your illness. His website is https://osatoherbalcure.wordpress.com or you can message him on his facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Dr-Osato-Herbal-Cure-106002928040920

  • frances tony - October 14, 2024

    I thought the physicians says there is no cure for HSV 2!!! I am telling you today that DR.UMA cure HSV 2 with his herbal medicine and once you get cured you are cured forever it is never reversible, I have been suffering for this deadly disease called h HSV 2 for more than a 2years and lost all hope because my doctor says there is no cure for HSV 2. Brethren I saw a testimony on the internet on how DR.UMA cure HSV, Hapatitis etc with his herbal medication and an email and watsapp to contact him was also displayed, I thought this was joke but I decided to contact him and he replied telling me not to worry that my problem is over . DR.UMA sent me a herbal medication to drink for one month but only 2weeks I feel strange and I went to my doctor and he confirmed me negative. He can help you too. Contact him via email…dr.umaherbalcenter@gmail.com WhatsApp +2347035619585. He is capable of curing AUTISM, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, HEPATITIS A B C, and DIABETES.

  • Angle Everett - October 14, 2024

    I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 3 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr.Ahonsie on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr.Ahonsie today on this Email address: drahonsie002@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on this Tel.Number +2348039482367 https://drahonsie002.wixsite.com/dr-ahonsie

  • Angle Everett - October 14, 2024

    I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 3 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr.Ahonsie on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr.Ahonsie today on this Email address: drahonsie002@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on this Tel.Number +2348039482367 https://drahonsie002.wixsite.com/dr-ahonsie

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