How to Create a Sea Breeze Back Masque

How to Create a Sea Breeze Back Masque

Different licenses have different scopes of practice, usually depending on the state you are licensed and practicing in.  Always check with your licensed scope of practice prior to administering a new service to a client.

When we think of spa wraps, we often think of FULL BODY wraps.  However, a back wrap by itself can be an excellent add-on service, or a wonderful addition to a larger spa back.

In this Sea Breeze Back Masque, ingredients can vary based on the client and their individual needs.  Here are some suggestions of what to use for ingredients:

  • Paraffin or marine fango
  • Eucalyptus essential oil

Mix the ingredients in a rubber bowl and use a paraffin brush to apply directly on the back while the client is in pronated position. Cover the back (only) with plastic/body wrap and then wrap the back with draping. The client can be left in meditative silence, or practitioners can work on the legs, feet, etc. while the client is wrapped.  Remove the wrapping/masque prior to rolling over into supine position.

Be sure to seek professional training in aromatherapy plus spa wrap applications and contraindications prior to administering any type of service to a client.

For full directions on how to create this treatment, or to learn more, please register for quality, affordable, professional training at:



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